Film pokazuje też jak ważna jest charakteryzacja. Bowiem wszyscy aktorzy znajdują się w każdej historii.W filmie widać inspirację powieściami i filmami "W 80 dni dookoła świata", "Amadeusz" , "Lot nad kukułczym gniazdem" czy filmem "Equlibrum" .
The David Mitchell Book was filmed. I prefere books than movies for the first. But now I firs watch the movie. This movie is a colection of special effects and tensions. Cloud Atlas is a movie welche have message to us. So it's veruy important is fusion of litherature and movie. IN atlas there a lot of story welche have union culmination. We can see that we are connected. That people don't die but live forever. That our live is important. I love the story of Hae-Joo Chang and Somni. Beautyful story. I can see the fusion of stories and movies like: "IN 80 days around the world", "Amadeusz" , "Flight over cuckoo net" and movie "
To film o TRANSGRESJI/This is a movie about Transgression
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